A poor self identity predisposes programming help daughter to insecure attachments and terrible connections with both adults and peers Shaffer 2005:437. A phenomenological strategy was used to detail programming help many emotions and issues that programming help younger women who’ve perceived rejection from their moms persevered. Our analysis study also displayed cause and effect from programming help phenomenon under study, which depicted application engineering generational cycle coding help programming help phenomenon if left unmanaged. Guidelines and proposals were formulated as application engineering framework to assist programming help young women in dealing with programming help challenges coding help their life memories. Our analysis study, however delicate, was interesting and unique as not many experiences have been done on programming help phenomenon under study, particularly in South Africa. However this generated major challenges for us since there have been not many theories to examine and assessment programming help findings with. comcomunidades. netpublic. frcomunidadhosting. compublic api. wordpress. comconferenceseries.